This school started its activities in 1965 under the name of Nursing School and after  the Islamic Revolution, it sought to merge several nursing schools. It continued its activity from the beginning under the title of educational complex and then Shahid Beheshti School of Nursing and Midwifery. Since 1990, this faculty has been accepting students in the master's degree program in the field of nursing education with  internal orientations in surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry and community health, and so far 28 students have been accepted in this field. Since 2008, based on the licenses issued by the Ministry of Health, the master's degree in intensive care nursing has been established. This faculty has been training postgraduate students in four fields of internal medicine-surgery nursing, pediatric nursing, community health nursing and midwifery education since October 2014.  After obtaining the necessary permits from the Ministry of Health in 2017,  the faculty also succeeded in attracting students to the doctoral program in nursing, which has been held for three years so far.

Last Update date : Sep 25 2021